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Society 09 October, 2019

Elbasy meets Chairman of the Anti-corruption agency Alik Shpekbayev

57 time

It is reported by press service of the first President of Kazakhstan-Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev. 

Nursultan Nazarbayev stressed the importance of applying international experience in the fight against corruption in the framework of improving the efficiency of the Agency.

- We have taken all necessary measures to improve the anti-corruption system. However, we need to continue to study the experience of foreign countries and implement the best practices to combat this type of crime,- Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

In addition, the first President of Kazakhstan focused on the need to involve the public in the process of combating corruption.

- People should actively oppose corruption. It is necessary to report such offenses in a timely manner, and the state should support active citizens,- said Elbasy.

During the meeting, A. Shpekbayev also reported to Nursultan Nazarbayev on the implementation of the project "Adaldyk alany" together with the central regional state bodies.